Basalt ternary diagram
Basalt ternary diagram

0 ternary system will be formed consists of the feed, solvent and solute. +he solvent and the feed feed for indust industria riall extra extracti ction on opera operatio tions ns are are normal normally ly parti partial ally ly solubl soluble e in one another. +he solute has to be soluble in both the feed and solvent in order for the extraction to ta/e place. eparation process process in which a solute in a feed stream is extracted by contacting the feed with a solvent is called solvent extraction. eparation fact factor or whic which h is a quan quanti tita tati tive ve inde index x of e"ec e"ecti tive vene ness ss of sepa separa rati tion on has has been been computed from these data. In this study, in order to nd out the proper solvent for the separation of butanol from aqueous solution, phase equilibrium data and mutual solubility data were therefore obtained experimentally by using solvents. Butan Butanol ol is an impor importan tantt laboratory reagent, thus, the study of butanol extraction from its aqueous solution is fascinating all the time. In many many cases, cases, butan butanol ol is found found in its aqueou aqueous s form. iquid* liquid extraction process is the most useful method for purication, enriching and separation of components of very close volatility and of heat sensitive. It is an e"ective alternative process to distillation process. +his type of extraction extraction is called liquid*liquid liquid*liquid extraction in which which a solution is brought brought into contact with a second liquid (solvent! essentially immiscible with the rst one in order to bring about transfer of one or more components from the solution into the second solvent. #xtrac #xtractio tion n of consti constitu tuent ents s by solve solvent nt is a very very common common practi practice ce in chemi chemical cal process processing ing where where a mixture mixture containing containing separabl separable e componen components ts is treated treated with a solvent in which one or more of the desired components are preferentially soluble. )sing a ternary plot and the gathered data from the earlier parts, we draw the boundary between two*phase and one*phase systems and the corresponding tie lines. efractive indexes were then recorded again for each layer. Water was then added to the mixture and the mixture was allowed to form separate layers. efractive indexes were then measured by a refractor and then recorded. #ach of them was then titrated with water (at $%&'! until permanent turbidity appeared. We crea create ted d four fourte teen en (1! (1! mixt mixtur ures es of buta butano noll and and acet acetic ic acid acid with with di"e di"errent ent compositions and then they were allowed to achieve thermal equilibrium. In this experiment, we used butanol, acetic acid and water as tertiary components. But the addition of a highly polar substance demonstrates a change in its solubility. In most cases for liquids, two immiscible liquids cannot mix even with the addition of a tertiary component. Immiscib Immiscible le substance substances s are caused by the solubility solubility properti properties es of liquid.

Basalt ternary diagram